Valentine’s Day

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Valentine’s Day used to be a difficult time of year for me. It did not matter whether I was in a relationship or not. If I was in a relationship, anything that was not flowing would get worse. If I was not in a relationship, it was a painful reminder that I was alone. I was not living in the present and enjoying what I had. I was seeing what was not in my life.

Now I look at the day and see it very differently. For many, too much pressure is placed on what happens in that one day. And if that relationship is not soulmate material, a roomful of roses and chocolates will not make up for what does not happen the rest of the year. Many happy couples see the day as a plus instead of a proof of love. They give to each other on a regular basis and are not too concerned that things play out in any specific way on the holiday.  

This is not to say that you will not exchange cards or gifts or that you should not share a romantic dinner. It’s just that it will come together without the effort, angst, and disappointment.

Love is active. Love must circulate, be shared. It is not something you get, it is what you are. When people say they want to be loved, what they are looking for is the opportunity to share the love that they are. You don't need to wait for someone to love you. Just be willing to believe that who you are and your talents have the perfect audience and be willing to broadcast who you really are to the world. If you don't know what that is, start getting to know yourself and share what you know along the way. There are friends and lovers who are receptive to what you have to offer and you are all mutually uplifted in the sharing. And, for those who desire it, there is a soulmate who will receive you as you are right now.

So today, no matter what your relationship status, recognize that you are valuable right where you are as you are. If you are not feeling the love, start with yourself. Soothe yourself. Get enough sleep. Take a few to-dos off your plate that have you rushing through your days; this will free you up to see the loving relationships you already have. Then take even the smallest step to reach out to another: write a note, call someone, share your humor, your attention, your smile, your support. You may be surprised to see how much you really matter and make a difference. And THAT is really what LOVE IS all about.

