Lately, I’ve noticed that my email account and Facebook newsfeed is filled with emails and offers for free webinars and teleseminars promising the fulfillment of your love dreams, financial success, and soul’s purpose if you only sign up for this or that. Many are using what is a very old direct marketing technique of bombarding the people on their lists with mailings until they succumb.
Don’t get me wrong. Many of them are coming from very reputable people, non-profit organizations and companies. It concerns me though that some of metaphysically-oriented ones are telling you that in some way you NEED what they have to offer and that this is your only opportunity.
What’s the truth? There are plenty of resources, some hundreds of years old, which you could either borrow from your local library or purchase that will unlock the secrets to living a fulfilled life. Opportunity knocks over and over again. The real question is, how long do you want to wait before you move forward? The right time is your time. And, you know whether or not you want some support along the way.
These resources are called books, specifically metaphysical books. How do I know about this? I’ve read a good number of them over the past 20 years.
You could read them and then apply what you are reading to your own life. You would be just as successful as the next person, if not more so, in demonstrating improved finances, love, creativity, and health. And, you’d save yourself a lot of money.
I can just see you getting ready to unsubscribe to all of those email lists right now. Before you do, read on.
If the information you need already exists, what makes these programs so popular? They are popular because human nature is always looking for a quick fix that bypasses our own participation in self discovery. Just follow this program exactly and you’ll have (fill in the blank).
Do they work? Yes, many are very good programs and will help you achieve your goals. They vary in their approach but the best ones will honor your process and your own inner guidance. I would be wary of any program or counselor that leaves you feeling that you are lacking in some way or need a lot of work. They may tell you that resistance to the program will block you. And, they may be right, but you would need to come to that conclusion on your own before proceeding. The most helpful point you back to your own inner guidance.
What makes working with a program, counselor, or coach better than reading a book or doing it on your own?
They facilitate learning. Yes, that's it.
To learn something new we need:
1) AWARENESS of a new approach from an experience such as a book, lecture, seminar
2) our own UNDERSTANDING of the material in a language that makes sense to us
3) the ability to see opportunities to APPLY these ideas in our lives
4) PRACTICE applying these ideas until it becomes a new habit
How does a program, support group, coach, counselor assist with this?
1) Support - You are exchanging your current approach for a more beneficial one. That usually means you are developing new habits. Working with a coach/counselor, support group or program that provides feedback tends to help us progress more quickly than we would on our own. Successful programs such as Weight Watchers, 12 Step Programs, etc. are perfect examples.
2) Commitment - Working with someone puts us in a situation where we’ve made a commitment, financial or otherwise, to our dream. Money is particularly important because it’s our energy in form. Yes these are businesses that want to make money, but there’s more to it than that. The most reputable ones will charge you because they know that paying clients are serious about making changes. Think about it. Would you skip an appointment or cancel if you knew you had to pay? If you’d prefer to keep your money, you could do something as simple as paying yourself for sticking with a regular appointment to focus on your dream and achieve a similar result.
3) Structure and Exercises – What you’re receiving is the benefit of someone else’s experience of what worked for them. It's usually presented in a format that prevents you from having to reinvent the wheel. The exercises provide practice.
4) Recognition and Celebration (a.k.a FUN!) – Sometimes we get so caught up in what we’re reaching for that we forget to recognize our progress and celebrate it. Most self-help gurus encourage this as a regular practice. If a program lacks the enjoyment factor, change the program (or your attitude about it).
After reading this, you may want to take a fresh look at what you’ve been contemplating for yourself and what type of support system you will need. Some people can and do make progress on their own. You may be one of them.
If you’re considering working with a coach, I suggest you consider contacting me for a consultation. (Click the Contact link above and send me a note.)
I have experience as a licensed metaphysical practitioner and have been certified as a Love Attraction Coach by Kathryn Alice, bestselling author of the book Love Will Find You: 9 Magnets to Bring You and Your Soulmate Together (Da Capo). In addition, I bring over 20 years of corporate training and development experience to the table, so I understand what’s needed to embody the principles at a very practical level.
No matter what path you choose, I send you blessings and love for the best that life has to offer!