Change Your Love Search Results – A Google Game

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I’d like to propose a little game to play, using Google, which will help you understand how what we attract corresponds to our thoughts AND feelings.

Note: This is just a game to illustrate a point. It is not a recommendation of any particular search results that you will see in Google.

The Laws of Attraction and Correspondence are closely related.  Simply put, like attracts like. What you attract corresponds to what you are broadcasting.

When you want to have a new experience, one of the first things you may be told to do is to start describing and affirming what you want. You may create vision boards or screensavers; you may go through exercises to simulate embodying the desire. These are all good things to do.

If there is any resistance or lack of belief in you, it will come to the surface either as negative mind chatter or an emotional reaction. This usually happens as you are setting the intention with your affirmative work. This resistance and how you respond to it will determine how much fun you have before the materialization of your desire appears.

You may notice some people will manifest what they want quickly while others seem to generate more of what they don’t want. Those who do not see results right away may start doubting themselves and wondering what they are doing wrong; sometimes they will heap self-criticism on top of self-doubt. What exactly is going on?

The people who are more fully aligned with their good generally see results more quickly. Whatever it is that they are manifesting is not as big of a leap of faith as it is for you. If you are not in this group, this is no reason to get discouraged. You are just as able and capable. You are learning something new and need more practice. Often just a small adjustment in your approach will not only cause everything to fall into place, it will also make it more enjoyable.

Here are 3 general reasons why something may not have shown up for you:
  1. Timing: The answer is already on its way but has not appeared yet.
  2.   Refinement: You are attracting but you cannot maintain what you have attracted. Or, you discover you want something different than what you attracted.
  3.  Mixed Signals: Something in what you are broadcasting is inconsistent or unfocused. We will explore this a bit more in this article because this is a common issue and sometimes hard to pinpoint without help.

Every time we do not manifest it has something to do with timing. Timing is readiness, either yours or someone/something else’s. That readiness could mean that you are working towards being able to recognize and receive your heart’s desire or that you are clarifying that desire. If this involves another person, they may have their own timetable. 

Those who are refining often only need to celebrate that they ARE attracting and to treat the refinement process as if it were a fun game instead of something to get over and done with. There’s always more. After we achieve one thing, we start wanting something else. As we get more experienced, we master the art of enjoying where we have while also expanding into a new and greater experience.

If we were truly clear about our desires and our ability to manifest them, we would notice instantaneous results. They also probably wouldn’t be such a big deal. When something you really, really want does not materialize immediately (notice I didn’t say manifest) it is because more of your being is noticing that it’s not happening. Every intention manifests immediately. The materialization of the intention (such as coming together with your soulmate) has its own process of unfolding before it reveals itself to you.

The time that we spend between setting the intention and see the results is often mixed. Sometimes these mixed feelings and emotions delay our good. At the very least, they may make the journey more difficult than it needs to be. What we notice the most and our reaction to it is a request for more of the same.

To see a concrete example of what I'm describing, let’s play a little game with Google.

Suppose you are single and you decide that you are willing to start dating.  You declare that you are opening your heart to love.

Suppose your focus is on dating. Behind the scenes, your mind is activating a Google search for dating. (You can try this for yourself in another window.) 

You will see lots of results about dating. Because it’s a broad category, you will see everything from online dating to escort services.

While you’re contemplating the results, your thoughts are circulating.  Memories come up, along with fears. Without even realizing it, your emotions are getting stirred up and the phrase dating is hard work comes up and gets entered in the search box. Almost immediately, pages of results confirming how hard dating can be come up on the screen. You may start having second thoughts and  love is painful comes up for you.  That search too is executed in yet another window.

You start to get sucked in for a bit, clicking on the links and going deeper into believing that it really is hard work. You will see tons of stories confirming that it’s hard work, forgetting that you are only seeing these stories because something in you took the intense emotional reaction as a signal to search for the evidence.

At this point, you will either continue with more emotional reactions that will have you diving deeper into the results you are receiving. This will give you more evidence of what you do not want. You may even share some of these links with your friends and generate discussion about it. Or, there will be an even stronger emotional desire that will rise up within you that wants to have fun dating.

The good news is that this strong emotional reaction associated with your soul call will also execute another search. Positive feelings, because they are in alignment with our true nature, are always stronger than negative ones. We naturally are pulled more in their direction once we lock on to these good feelings. This time you will see many results from the search have fun dating.

Next, your heart may call out to date for my soulmate. Notice the results are of a better quality. Each time, notice you have a choice to stay focused on what you want or to get distracted by another opposing thought.

Important: It’s not the thoughts that cross your mind nor is it the feeling that is the issue. What you choose to focus on and dive into more deeply is what matters. In fact, someone who tries to deny a strong fear or reaction may have much more trouble than someone who notices it and compassionately redirects their thoughts/feelings. Often difficult feelings and unwanted results can help you refine and clarify what you really want. It is truly all good.

The Internet is a wonderful way to demonstrate that anything we could want or want to know already exists. Neither time nor space limit what you can access. Google is neutral. It will return to you whatever you enter in the search box. The Universe operates the same way, yet there is always this undercurrent that is doing its best to move us in a happier direction. When we choose to be tuned into the feelings associated with our words and actions, we can shift our attention and allow our intentions to come into full bloom.

If you would like assistance in moving towards your love dreams, I’m available for coaching. You can contact me at

I'm also offering a live workshop Manifest Your Soulmate on October 2nd in Lambertville, NJ. Sign up in advance and save $5 on the workshop ($35 online instead of $40 at the door) plus a coupon to bring with you for 15% off a CD or the book Love Will Find You by Kathryn Alice (Da Capo).

Blessings and love to you as you step forward into the arms of your soulmate!
