Make Room for the New

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Whether I think about clearing out the old or making room for the new, the first idea that comes to mind is clearing out the refrigerator. I use this analogy because keeping my refrigerator clean is easy. And what better idea to connect to personal growth than something you find easy to do?

When do we usually clean out the refrigerator?

We clear it out when we are making room for something new or when we are looking for something to eat. Other than that, most things just sit around undisturbed. We may even forget that they are there until we open the door to look.

This approach to clearing out the old works well because it is balanced. Many of us on the self growth path can have a tendency to try to fix ourselves or put too much attention on looking for blocks to dissolve. The catch with this is that the mind (our servant) will give us more of what absorbs our attention.

The secret is to understand one idea. When we are talking about food, we need to hold the door open long enough to see what needs to be tossed without spoiling everything else. The same applies to our life. We turn our attention long enough to what is calling out to us to be released so that we may let it go. We resist the temptation to over focus on what is wrong with us or our particular situation. 

We can trust that anything we need to release will make itself known to us. Why? Life wants us to express fully. It needs us to do so. And it will move anything that is blocking that expression into our awareness, so that we can release and move forward. If we do not see it the first time around, it will continue to resurface until we release. If we do not release, it will start to stink up the place until we are forced to let go, just like spoiled food.

We are already perfect as we are. Whatever we may be calling blocks, obstacles, or patterns now were helpful to us at some other time in our experience. They gave us something of value. We are simply exchanging these habits for something better. That's all. 

Even though we are replacing what we have with something better, we still may hesitate or hold on to a habit or a pattern that is not serving us. We can choose to clear out the old habit the way we would clear out old food, quickly and without shame or self-loathing.

For a time, we may only be replacing the old with empty space. We do this to make room for something new. Just as when you are going grocery shopping, you can choose to clear out room before you bring everything home or after. If you do it beforehand, you will be able to restock easily. If you wait, there may be a little tension for a time as you negotiate the space for the new. 

When it comes to love, it takes trust and faith to clear that space and hold it open until our mate shows up. Sometimes we get so hungry for that relationship that we are afraid to have this empty space stay empty for any length of time. Nature abhors a vacuum though. The space ALWAYS fills up. Have faith and choose to only fill it with your soulmate. 

If you looking for support in making more room for your soulmate and want to welcome him/her in, please sign up for my Love Attraction™ Club. The first meeting is February 1, 2012.

